Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Acne can be a very distressing skin infection that can manifest itself on the face, back and limbs.  People often find themselves seeking multiple remedies to cure it.  In this article, we are specifically going to discuss tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for acne.  This pleasant smelling oil has been proven to have both cosmetic and antibacterial properties that are required for acne treatment.  As with any treatment, you should consult your doctor before using.

Most over-the-counter medications, including gels, creams and ointments, contain benzoyl peroxide, which though effective in many people, can cause certain side effects like itchiness, dryness, burning sensation and redness of skin. For those who find benzoyl peroxide ineffective or need an equally strong acting alternative, tea tree oil is recommended by experts.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is oil that is extracted from leaves of a plant (known as tea tree plant) that is found in Australia. Tea tree oil is also known as Melaleuca oil. This oil is extracted from the leaves of a plant called Melaleuca Alternifolia. This plant is found in the Southeast Queensland and New South Wales in Australia. This oil has been used for centuries as an antibacterial and antifungal solution to get rid of acne and any fungal infection. This only became commercially produced and sold in the 1920’s.

Tea tree oil is identified with a camphor-like smell. In color it can be yellowish to transparent as water. It has also been given an International Standard. The International Standard of Tea tree oil is ISO 4730. There are 15 components that are specifically mentioned by the International Standards committee. This means for the tea tree oil to be sold commercially, it needs to fulfill 15 criteria.

The tree oil is a combination of approximately 98 compounds. The components that make the tea tree oil antibacterial and antifungal in nature are:  terpinen-4-ol chemotype, four 1,8 cineole chemotypes and terpinolene chemotype. Out of all of them the most prominent is terpinen-4-ol chemotype. It is believed that the tea tree oil is as effective as benzoyl peroxide in controlling acne. The tea tree oil can also take care of problems like fungal infections and athletes foot.  Tea tree oil can be used on a regular basis to take care of gum diseases, dandruff, lice, scabies and even vaginal infections.

Tea tree oil is popular among a lot of people for treatment for acne. You will find a lot of people who will vouch for it.

Does it Work on Acne?

Terpinen-4, an important constituent present in Tea Tree oil, has been found to be responsible for its antimicrobial activity. Tea tree oil is considered an effective agent to get rid of acne because of this ingredient. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties ensure that it removes the acne for good. This oil is not only effective for removing acne, but also the scars acne produces.  The tea tree oil when applied on the areas affected by acne, kills bacteria and destroys propionibacterium acne, which is a skin bacterium that has been found to be the cause for acne development.

Tea tree oil when applied on the affected area directly attacks the bacteria that have caused the acne to occur. The tea tree oil needs to be left on for some time to be effective. Using small quantity of tea tree oil on a daily basis cannot harm or damage the skin.

Benefits of Using Tea Tree Oil

Using tea tree oil gives you multiple benefits.  It is a natural ingredient.  Hence it can be used safely except in people with sensitive skin. The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties present make it an ideal acne remedy. Since it is an organic ingredient, it is available in pure form at less cost than most of the readymade acne remedies available on the market. This makes it a cost effective treatment too.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an extremely popular product. However, before we start we would like to advise you to please conduct a patch test on the acne. While Tea tree oil is very effective on acne, it does not always react well with all skin types.  Tea tree oil can be used in a variety of ways:

Direct Use

While a direct use of tea tree oil should be avoided, it can be specifically used on the acne in very minute quantity. All you need to do is take a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton swab (try using a cotton bud) and dab the cotton soaked in the tea tree oil on the acne. Please leave it on for some hours.  Ideally, leave it on for the night and in the morning gently wash it off your face.  Avoid harshly using the towel to wipe your face, as this will aggravate the acne spot. You must ensure that you apply the tea tree oil on a clean face. Applying tea tree oil on a dirty patch of skin will only irritate it.

Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil Combination

For those who do not want to use tea tree oil directly on the skin you can use it with aloe vera. Aloe Vera along with the anti bacterial properties also has soothing properties. The aloe vera gel when combined with a few drops of tea tree oil will not only attack the acne, but at the same time will take care of skin irritation and redness. Aloe Vera will also make the skin smooth and glowing.

Honey and Tea Tree Oil Combination

Honey is another ingredient that can be used with tea tree oil. Honey is known for its antibacterial properties. Honey is one of the best known ingredients for the skin. Honey usually does not react with the skin and does not cause any irritation. Honey also smoothes the skin and keeps it soft and supple. All you need to do is mix a few drops of tea tree oil with 2 to 3 table spoons of honey. Apply it and leave it on for a few minutes (30 minutes to 45 minutes) you can then wash it off with water. Honey also does not dry the skin.

Use as a Mask

You can also use tea tree oil as a mask. You would need to get clay powder from the market.  Mix clay powder with water after you have made a thick paste out of it please add a few drops of tea tree oil.  Make the mix into a spreadable form of paste and stir it well. Apply this mask on your face and in the neck region evenly. It should be left for a minimum of 20 minutes until the mask dries. The mask should be rinsed off using warm water and the skin patted dry.

This treatment is very effective for oily skin. Using this mask once in every 2 to 3 weeks can be very effective for the skin. It will keep the acne at bay and at the same time keep the skin cool and oil free.

Alternative Tea tree oil face mask

You can prepare your own tea tree oil facemask at home to make a highly powerful acne remedy. Add three drops tea tree oil to half a cup finely chopped tomato. Add one teaspoon of jojoba oil to this mixture. Mix all three ingredients until you get a smooth paste. This paste should be applied as a mask on your face and allowed to rest for ten minutes. Rinse the mask with cold water.

Tea tree oil for Spot Treatment

If you find the undiluted tea tree oil too harsh on your skin, it can be used as spot application. You need to mix a few drops of tea tree oil to three or four teaspoons of Aloe Vera in gel form. This mix should be applied on the pimple you want to treat.  The mix can be stored in lip-gloss containers, so you can apply them easily for spot treatments.

Other Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can also be mixed with yogurt to form an effective acne remedy. Mix one-quarter cup of yogurt with 5 drops tea tree oil. Apply this evenly on the face in mask form. Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse using warm water.

Tea tree oil can also be added to egg white and used for acne treatment. Add four drops of tea tree oil to the white of one egg and whisk the mix. Apply this as a mask on your face. Leave the mask for about 20 minutes and rinse using lukewarm water. The water should be de-chlorinated. When applied regularly, this mask will help in getting rid of acne permanently.

Oil Massage

Mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil with three tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil, and Aloe Vera gel. Any other soothing ingredient can also be substituted for the coconut or olive oil. All the ingredients should be mixed well and applied on the face and neck after cleansing it thoroughly. Now cover the face with a cloth soaked in sufficiently hot water, so it gives the needed steam for the ingredients to enter into the pores. The heat makes the pores open, so the ingredients enter into skin and kill bacteria clearing the acne effectively.

After removing the cloth, apply the mixture evenly all over the face in circular motion so the oil is spread evenly on the acne-affected areas. The mix should be allowed to dry and should not be washed. This can be repeated twice in a day during the morning and again at night.

Tea Tree Oil Face Scrub

Tea tree oil is also highly effective as a face scrub. You can make it with the ingredient in your home kitchen. Mix tea tree oil with natural ingredients including half a cup of sugar, quarter cup of olive or sesame oil and one tablespoon of honey. Ten drops of tea tree oil should be added to this mixture.

This mixture should be massaged on a damp face with a circular motion for five minutes. The solution should be washed off with warm water and the face pat dried. This mixture should not be used in people who have cystic acne, as it can be too rough on the skin. However, for medium and mild acne breakouts this is an effective treatment. Since all ingredients are readily available, you can prepare this face scrub in bulk amounts and use it whenever there is an acne breakout.

Use in Moisturizers

You can add few drops of tea tree oil in your face cream or moisturizer and apply it on the skin. This is a good portable treatment for acne. Try using an oil free lotion along with the tea tree oil. This will not only ensure that the skin stays moisturized, but also, that it gets longer time to attack the acne.

Use It in Your Bath

You can add a few drops to of tea tree oil in lukewarm to warm water. Use this water to take a bath. Regular baths using tea tree oil will not harm the skin, yet it will keep the skin free of any kind of bacterial growth. This is especially effective for acne that occurs on other parts of the body like the back and limbs. Breathing in the steam containing tea tree oil can also help with congestion normally associated with the common cold.

Commercial Tea Tree Oil Products

While we have discussed mostly homemade tee tree oil remedies, there are other commercially available products that you can use.  Products containing the tea tree oil include; face wash, spot gels, soaps, body washes and wet wipes. These products can be used to effectively treat acne.

When shopping for commercial tee tree oil products, be mindful of the brand.  Some brands have a better reputation than others.  Pay close attention to the percentage of tee tree oil in the product.  You want to see 100% tea tree oil, not a partial content with filler chemicals.

Precautions to Use with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is very effective against acne, but it is also very toxic in nature, and should NOT be consumed!  Please be very careful to not drink it.  People with sensitive skin should avoid using tea tree oil completely. According to dermatologists, essential oils like tea tree oil can cause damage to sensitive skin. And people who have a tendency for developing eczema should use it with extra caution.

Tea tree oil is not advisable for children and young teenagers. The tea tree oil is harsh and harmful for children.  Also if you are using tea tree oil you must keep it out of reach from children.

Tea tree oil in undiluted form can cause redness, blistering, irritation, itching and excessive drying in skin. Only five percent tea tree oil should be applied to the acne lesions for optimum effect. For a five percent tea tree oil containing solution you need to mix 5 parts of tea tree oil to water making up 95 parts. In other words for 95 ml water, you need to add 5 ml tea tree oil. Buying tea tree oil in diluted form is a better alternative than preparing the solution. Combining it with other herbal remedies also helps to mitigate its harmful effects.

Before you use tea tree oil you must first conduct a patch test on your skin. It is quite possible that it may suit some people, but not others. If the oil causes the skin to become red or irritated please do not use it.

Please do not use it around the skin of the eye.

As always, consult your doctor before taking or applying any medications.

Conclusion on Tea Tree Oil for Acne

In spite of tea tree oil being a commonly used home remedy for acne, many studies on its effect have been done. It has been revealed that although tea tree oil took more time to start acting on the acne, it showed fewer side effects, when compared to using benzoyl peroxide, which had produced side effects like dryness, burning, stinging and itching sensation. Further tea tree oil has been found to reduce severity of the acne and the number of lesions.

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