How to Get Rid of Pimples

How to Get Rid of Pimples

Pimples (acne) are commonly found on the face, neck, chest, shoulder and back regions of the body and are the most commonly occurring skin disease.  Pimples do not cause any serious health issues, but the scars formed can be emotionally and psychologically stressful for the affected individual.  For some, acne resolves quickly, with just occasional breakouts, but for many it is an ongoing condition, which causes great embarrassment and anxiety.

People of all ages and races get acne.  However, young adults and teenagers are the most affected. Over 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 have pimple outbreaks.  Sometimes even adults over 40 years get pimples.

The Anatomy of a Pimple

To get rid of pimples effectively, you need to understand how and why pimples are formed. The skin has small holes, or pores, that are connected to oil secreting glands via a canal called a follicle. The glands secrete sebum, an oily substance, which carries all the dead cells in the skin to the surface via the follicle. Hair also grows through this follicle. When the follicle is clogged, pimples form. The sebum, hair and dead cells adhere to each other to form a plug.  When there are bacteria in the plug, it can lead to swelling and breakdown of the plug and lead to the growth of a pimple.

Pimples come in many types, but the most commonly occurring ones are:  whiteheads, which stay under skin surface, blackheads that rise to the surface, and papules, which are small tender pink bumps. When the pimples are filled with pus, they are called pustules. Solid painful and large pimples present deep in the skin are called nodules. Cysts are painful, deep and pus filled pimples that can lead to scar formation.  Bursting or popping pimples can worsen the infection.

Causes of Pimples

Pimples are not generally caused by a single factor.  Pimples usually start during puberty, when there is an increase in stimulation of oil or sebaceous glands connected to hair follicles, due to the increase in male hormone secretion.  This increase in sebum production can affect skin cell maturation which leads to plugged pores.  Anxiety, stress, greasy hair and makeup can also worsen the pimple breakout.

Some of the factors that do not trigger pimple outbreak include:

Diet:  Recent studies reveal that pure chocolate and milk can cause aggravation of acne, but contrary to popular belief junk foods or foods rich in oil, do not cause pimples or make it worse.

Dirt:  Blackheads are formed due to oxidized oil and not because of dirt.  Sweat is not a causative factor for pimple formation. Sweat glands are entirely different glands and are not related to pimples. However, excessive washing of the face can cause irritation or dryness of skin.

Stress:  Pimples upset many people.  As a result, people pick at the pimple, which results in the pimple lasting for a longer time.  However, stress alone does not directly cause pimple formation.

Some additional factors that can contribute to pimples are:  heredity, pressure from chinstraps, helmets, suspenders, etc., and drugs which contain steroids, iodides, and bromides. Anticonvulsant drugs and lithium also may trigger pimples, but generally, they are not related to drugs. Some skin care products and cosmetics also cause clogging of pores leading to pimples.

How to Get Rid of Pimples

There are many treatments for pimples.  Whether you choose to use over-the-counter or prescribed acne medicine or homemade, natural treatments, you have many options.  Treatment of acne medically deals with healing the pimples using mostly creams and preventing new pimples, and scars, from forming.

The best way to prevent scar formation is to treat the pimples at an early stage. Medical treatment involves topical application of medications and sometimes pills too. There are also several home remedies, which are effective in reducing the pimples and healing scars.

Skin Care

Proper skin care helps in a faster healing of pimples and scars.  Using mild cleansers for washing during mornings, evenings and after a heavy workout session helps. Scrubbing of skin should not be done as it can worsen the problem. Picking, squeezing or pinching the pimples also causes dark spots or scars to appear. While shaving, ensure you do it safely. Softening the hair with soap and water before applying shaving cream helps.

While taking acne medication it is better to stay out of direct sunlight, as it can cause sunburn and further excessive sunlight exposure leads to wrinkled skin and increase in skin cancer risks. Oil free makeup products or non-comedogenic products should be used to prevent the makeup from clogging up the pores. Hair should be shampooed regularly.

Cleansing Treatments

Contrary to what most treatments promise for treating pimples, there is no single regimen or product appropriate for all individuals and situations. Cleansing can, however, be used by all to reduce the severity of the pimples. The cleansing technics include:

Mild cleansing:  A mild cleansing liquid or bar can be used twice a day to keep skin clean and reduce irritation and sensitivity.

Exfoliating masks and cleansers: Many types of masks, exfoliants and scrubs can be used. These contain a mild concentration of salicylic acid that acts as a peeling agent. The outer skin layer is removed and pores are opened with the exfoliant. Alpha hydroxyl or glycolic acid containing products are gentle on the skin and are best for those affected with pimples.

Retinol: This vitamin A derivative helps in promoting skin peeling. It helps in unclogging pores, but can cause irritation and sensitivity with exposure to sun.

List of Topical Antibacterial Treatments for Pimples

Benzoyl Peroxide

Of the antibacterial cleansers, the most popular ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, which is available as over-the-counter medication. The benzoyl peroxide is in the form of lotion, cream or gel for topical application. Resorcinol and sulfur are also used in the topical application products.  Benzoyl peroxide causes scaly or red skin and disappears when you stop using it. Benzoyl peroxide is a form of bleach, so should be used carefully. When it is exposed to carpets, towels, shirts or clothes it can cause white spots.

Oral antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are sometimes prescribed, but these can cause allergic reactions, gastric upset and increase in sun sensitivity.

Spironolactone (Aldactone)

This is used in women who are resistant to other drugs and ointments. The side effects include menstrual irregularities, raised potassium levels and breast tenderness.

Cortisone Injections

These are used to treat large pimples and cysts.


This drug is used to treat severe and persistent acne and should be used only in cases of severe acne due to its serious side effects including birth defects in pregnant women, inflammatory bowel disease, depression and suicidal risk in others.


Special devices or lights are used alone or with photosensitizing dyes in phototherapy. Laser treatment is also used as an adjunct to the conventional treatment methods to get rid of pimples.

Chemical peels

Glycolic acid superficial peel or deeper chemical peels are used to give supportive benefits but do not constitute a complete therapy.

Scar treatment

For those who have permanent scars due to pimples, several treatment choices are available. These include surgical treatment that elevates the depressed and deep scars and laser resurfacing for leveling out the shallow scar region. The advanced laser resurfacing methods available today are non-invasive and heal faster.

Treating excess sebum (Oil)

Production of oil by the body cannot be stopped as it is a normal and much needed part of the human body.  However, the oil produced can be reduced and this reduction can greatly improve that embarrassing shiny skin caused by the excess oil.  A gentle astringent or toner can help in cleaning the excess oil from the skin. Glycolic or alpha hydroxyl acids help in mild clearing of the oil by exfoliating a superficial skin layer. Sulfur or other ingredients containing facial masks also help in removing the oil. Benzoyl peroxide antibacterial pads can also be used to remove the oil.

Ideal skin care routine

Cleansing the skin twice per day, with a five percent benzoyl peroxide wash or a two percent salicylic acid wash, helps in getting rid of pimples. Alternatively, resorcinol or sulfur can be used. A water based skin care product and mild skin moisturizer are also affective. Sulfur containing spot cream can be applied at night.

Home Remedies for Pimples

While there are medical treatments available, most often those who have acne use home remedies as the first choice of treatment. This is because these remedies are effective, easy to access and are inexpensive. Here are some of the best home remedies:


Ice helps in reducing inflammation, redness and swelling quickly. The ice application also improves blood circulation and helps in tightening the pores. The dirt and oil accumulated is also removed with ice.

How to use:

Ice in cube form or crushed form can be used, according to availability. The ice should be wrapped in a cloth, held onto the affected area for a few seconds, and then repeated again after a short interval.

Tea Tree oil

This is an effective remedy for pimples, as it has antibacterial properties that help in fighting the bacteria that causes skin problems. The oil also helps in reducing inflammation and redness of pimples. It also helps in drying the whiteheads and blackheads.

How to use:

Apply the tea tree oil on the area affected by pimples using a cotton ball. Rinse after 20 minutes. Tea tree oil can also be mixed with Aloe Vera gel, applied on blemishes and pimples, and rinsed after 20 minutes. For those who have sensitive skin, tea tree oil should be avoided.


Lemon juice rich in vitamin C is effective in getting rid of acne. The juice lets the pimples dry faster. Fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice is the right choice as bottled juice contains preservatives, which can affect the skin.

How to use:

Lemon juice can be applied on pimples using a cotton swab. Lemon juice mixed with cinnamon powder can also be used at night and rinsed in the morning using lukewarm water.  Lemon juice should not be used by those with sensitive skin.


Toothpaste is also effective in getting rid of pimples in a short time. This is especially effective when used after the ice application. Only the white toothpaste and not the gel variety should be used.

How to use:

The white paste should be applied on the pimple, before you go to bed and washed in the morning. The process can be repeated in daytime too. The paste should be in contact with the pimples for a minimum of thirty minutes.


Garlic has antiseptic, antioxidant and antifungal properties, which help in healing pimples quickly. The sulfur present in garlic also helps in faster pimple healing.

How to use:

Cut a fresh clove of garlic into two and rub the cut end on pimples, and leave it for around five minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. This should be done several times in a day. Raw garlic when eaten daily helps in purifying blood. But raw garlic should not be eaten in excess, as it can cause gastric upset.


Steaming is very effective in treating pimples. The steam enters the pores and lets the skin breathe. This helps in getting rid of the dirt, bacteria and oil that is trapped inside the pores.

How to use:

A large container should be filled with steaming water and the vapors should be exposed to the regions affected by the pimples for a few minutes. Lukewarm water should be used to rinse and after toweling dry, a moisturizer should be applied.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a commonly used and effective remedy to get rid of pimples, as it is an excellent skin exfoliator. It helps in removing excess dead skin cells, dirt and oil.

How to use:

Mix one-teaspoon baking soda with lemon juice or water to form a thick paste. Wash your skin but let it remain slightly damp.  The paste should be applied to the pimple area and left to dry. Too much contact of baking soda with skin may cause irritation, so do not leave it for more than a few minutes. Rinse with warm water. This should be done two times a day for quick results.


Honey is rich in antibiotics, helps in natural healing and prevents infections.

How to use:

Apply honey on the affected area with a cotton swab and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. This procedure should be done a couple of times in a day. Honey can also be mixed with cinnamon and applied before you sleep. The swelling and inflammation will be reduced in the morning. Rinse with cold water.


Cucumber is rich in vitamins E, C and A, and in potassium. It is also great for soothing and cooling the skin.

How to use:

Cucumber should be sliced into tiny bits and soaked in water for an hour. The nutrients in the cucumber will be absorbed by water. The water should be strained and applied on the face, or you can also drink it.

The cucumber can also be ground to a paste and used as a facemask. The mask should be applied and washed off after 15 minutes. This helps in cleaning the bacteria and dirt from the skin pores.


Papaya has several beneficial properties that aid in effective treatment of pimples. The fruit is also rich in vitamin A. The papaya makes the skin smooth and soft and reduces inflammation.

How to use:

Extract juice of papaya, and apply the juice on the affected area. Leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.

The fruit can also be used as an exfoliating mask. Mash papaya pieces and add a few drops of honey. This mix should be applied on face and massaged gently. The paste should be left to dry completely and rinsed off.

Basil leaves

Basil is effective in diminishing pimples and clearing the skin of blemishes.

How to use:

Soak a few leaves of basil in warm water for 20 minutes. At night, before you go to bed, cleanse your face and apply the soaked liquid with a cotton ball. Let it stay on overnight and rinse off in the morning. The pimples should have reduced in intensity.

From teenagers to adults, pimples can appear a the most inopportune time.  The best way to get rid of pimples is to act as soon as the pimples form. Early treatment offers the best benefit and prevents further recurrence. The home remedies help in natural cleansing and healing of the skin. If the home remedies do not give the required results, you can go for the medical and surgical treatment methods for getting rid of the pimples completely.

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